My Books
Dispatches: Prose Poems (Wet Cement Press, 2022)
The Heart as Framed: mNew and Select Poems (Press 53, 2022)
The Heart's Many Doors
41 American poets respond to drawings by Slovene Artist Metka Krasovec that are themselves responses to Emily Dickinson lines. Poets include Mark Halliday, Dara Wier, Dean Young, Matthew Zapruder, Mary Ruefle, David Wojahn, Emilia Phillips, Bill Olsen, Jill Rosser, Nancy Eimers, Leslie Ullman, David Rivard, Phillis Levin, Cathy Wagner, Bradley Paul and many others. Wings Press, November 2016
Correspondence poems with Robert Vivian
Anchor and Plume, 2016
Anchor and Plume, 2016
Winner of the Maxine Kumin Poetry Award. C&R Press, August 2014
Resonance (Spanish Edition)
To be translated and published in Barcelona Spring 2014
A new book of poems forthcoming February 2014
In California Wine Country
The Last Voyage: Selected Poems of Giovanni Pascoli
Published by Red Hen Press, April 2010
Resonance (Ashland Poetry Press, Jan 2010)
"It's true. Richard Jackson's 'underground river beneath the Nile is six times bigger.' many small rivers joined it (him) and empowered his voice. Yes, he does this to his peers. You, tender, wise, wounded, generous and responsible child, your melody is unmistakably yours. Have you eaten us? Do we flow too?"
--Tomaz Salamun
"Richard Jackson has become one of our most important poets. His subjects are those for which poetry originally came into being. The essentials are his songs, his precepts, his adoration, his companions. It isn't any simple solace he offers, but it's solace nonetheless that he lends us."
--James Tate
"What you find in Richard Jackson's great heart and spirit is poetry of generosity and fearless attention you won't find anywhere else. RESONANCE stops me in my tracks, it shifts my brianwaves."
--Dara Wier
"it is the combination of soulfulness, intellectual rigor, and a courtly, almost Petrarchan ardor for the beloved that has always fueled Richard Jackson's poetry. They are also poems of dazzling associative rigor -- funny, elegiac, and political by turns. I wish that more of our poets possessed his big heart and breadth, and RESONANCE is his best collection yet."
--David Wojahn
"It's true. Richard Jackson's 'underground river beneath the Nile is six times bigger.' many small rivers joined it (him) and empowered his voice. Yes, he does this to his peers. You, tender, wise, wounded, generous and responsible child, your melody is unmistakably yours. Have you eaten us? Do we flow too?"
--Tomaz Salamun
"Richard Jackson has become one of our most important poets. His subjects are those for which poetry originally came into being. The essentials are his songs, his precepts, his adoration, his companions. It isn't any simple solace he offers, but it's solace nonetheless that he lends us."
--James Tate
"What you find in Richard Jackson's great heart and spirit is poetry of generosity and fearless attention you won't find anywhere else. RESONANCE stops me in my tracks, it shifts my brianwaves."
--Dara Wier
"it is the combination of soulfulness, intellectual rigor, and a courtly, almost Petrarchan ardor for the beloved that has always fueled Richard Jackson's poetry. They are also poems of dazzling associative rigor -- funny, elegiac, and political by turns. I wish that more of our poets possessed his big heart and breadth, and RESONANCE is his best collection yet."
--David Wojahn
Potovanje Sonca (Journey of the Sun)
Translated with Ana Jelnikar
Heartwall, U Mass Juniper Prize Winner
Greatest Hits
12 poems and essay on the work
Unauthorized Autobiography: New and Selected Poems
Selections from 1983-2003 including several new poems and selections from Petrarchan Sonnets
The Fire Beneath The Moon
50 Slovene Poets, facing Slovene
Juniper Prize winner
Half Lives: Petrarchan Poems
Includes about 70 poems. Autumn House Press, 2004
Svetovi Narazen
Translations are by several Slovene poets
Falling Stars
Artwork by Else Kendrot; 4 monologues
Heart's Bridge
Several poems and a Canzone, different selection than half Lives
Alive All Day
Cleveland State University Press Prize Winner
Worlds Apart
U Alabama Press prize winner, Published 1987, Reprinted 1989
Part of the Story
First book
Double Vision: Four Slovenian Poets
Introduction and selection of poems by Ales Debeljak, Alojz Ihan, Brane Mozetic, and Jure Potokar
Acts of Mind: Conversations with Contemporary Poets
Included are Stan Plumly, Mark Strand, James Wright, James Tate, Heather McHugh, WS Merwin, Michael Harper, David Ignatow, John Ashbery, Jean Valentine, Miller Wiliams, Carole Muske, Marvin Bell, Dara Wier, Richard Wilbur, Donald Finkel, Linda Pastan, Robert Creeley,Donald Hall, John Hollander, Stanley Kunitz, Maxine Kumin, Philp Booth, Robert Pack, Daniel Epstein, David St John, Robert Penn Warren, AR Ammons, William Stafford, Fred Chappell
The Dismantling of Time in Contemporary American Poetry
Robert Penn Warren, John Ashbery, James Wright, Charles Simic, John Hollander, Denise Levertov